Company Departments


NC Network strives to develop a variety of marketing strategy support in order to receive the appropriate job request from clients to cater to everyone in the field of manufacturing.
Small and medium-sized manufacturers equipped with advanced technology are able to receive requests from manufacturers around the world by disseminating more accurate information globally.
Take advantage of NC Network's unique extensive lineup of member services.


  1. Website, Video, and Pamphlet Production
  2. Assistance at Exhibitions (EMIDAS Exhibitions)
  3. Management and Planning of Various Seminars (EMIDAS Seminars)
  4. Various Genres in Internet Researches (EMIDAS Research)
  5. Latest Related Manufacturing News (EMIDAS News)
  6. SEO Services (EMIDAS Pro), (EMIDAS ProLite)
  7. Recruiting Services (EMIDAS Job Navi)
  8. Advertising Services for Production Goods Manufacturers and Machine Makers (Product Goods Showroom)
  9. Advertising Support Services using Magazines and Web Media (EMIDAS Magazine, EMIDAS Web Adverstising)

OEM Department

Development and manufacturing, procurement support of materials and parts

NC Network helps provide manufacturing services for finished products and OEM product production from various parts and modules.
In order to meet the needs of customers expanding, not only in Japan but also globally, we are strengthening local supply systems and supporting the development of new manufacturing bases, mainly in Asia.

The optimum EMIDAS Factory Search Engine is to help everyone involved in the global manufacturing industry to search for the best suppliers and acquire technical research consultations; also offering "Gijutsu no Mori", a Q&A website where users can post to ask or solve questions about technical, manufacturing, development, and business management issues.
The internet service is just one way towards acquiring the services needed.

From the various consultations to the high-level tasks, technical experts in various fields offer full support across the Internet. That is also the strength of NC Network.
Currently, major automobile and electric equipment manufacturers, etc., have commissioned production of prototype development projects and mass production parts, and have gained favorable reputation around the manufacturing industry.


  1. Manufacturing Technology Service (OEM Department)
  2. Supplier Search Service (Factory Search Engine)
  3. Manufacturing Technology Q&A Service (Gijutsu no Mori)

Smart Factory

NC Network supports the installation of robot systems, equipment and products to implement productivity improvement and high added value at manufacturing sites.
We make proposals for achieving efficient operation of factories in challenging manufacturing industries (EMIDAS member companies) and implementing manufacturing that generates profits.


  1. Proposals for machine tools, robots, peripheral equipments, etc., that leads to improved productivity in the manufacturing industry
  2. Proposal for automation and manpower saving
  3. Internet of Things (IoT) Proposals

Media and Research Department

NC Network has many manufacturing networks.
In particular, there are 30,000 consignment processing manufacturers in Japan and overseas, and has also been characterized by their ability to promote their products to all of these companies.

Possessing such network is also suitable for product and consumer goods, software products, and other products of the like, that are always needed by manufacturers.
In addition, we specialize in FS research/survey and expansion support for overseas expansion and support for local PR activities by utilizing the overseas manufacturing network.

Make use of NC Network's Media and Research products as part of your own sales and business strategy.


  1. Advertising Services for Manufacturers (Magazines, Websites, E-mail Magazines, etc.)
  2. Management of Japan's largest manufacturing industry Q&A site for engineers (Gijutsu no Mori)
  3. Survey Entrustment
  4. Works commissioned by the local government
  5. Exhibition Management (FBC Manufacturing Business Conferences
Copyright © NC Network Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. Since 1998