NC Network celebrated its 20th anniversary and we would like to extend our gratitude for each and everyone's support!
The history of NC network began after the dismantlement of the Keiretsu groups.
The rapid movement of production to Asia in the consumers electronics industry has led to the outflow of many technologies, and it has been the beginning of a battle survial for the small and medium-sized Japanese manufacturers. In the year 2000, the collapse of the line became the common place for the automative industry.
NC Network utilizes the Internet from such an early background, and the small and medium-sized manufacturing industries had a mission to work side by side beyond the hierarchy and achieve the rebirth of manufacturing. After the Lehman Shock in 2008 and the Earthquake Shock in 2011, we have had many crises in the industry since then.
Recently, AI, robots, automation, IoT, Industry 4.0, FinTech, and other various keywords have appeared in the manufacturing industry and the required technology does not change so much.
The basic of technologies of machining, sheet metal, cans, precision irons, presses, castings, forgings, moldings, heat treatments, suface treatments and the like have not also changed.
From the beginning, NC Network has been established in order to strengthen these basic technology industries, and it all started from the network of nine Tokyo downtown areas. Through the network, the continuous plan to follow through has been the basis for strengthening the town factory.
In the future, we will continue to work for those innovative manufacturers without forgetting our founding spirit.
We are looking forward to working with you.
January 1, 2018
NC Network Co., Ltd.
Yasuo Uchihara, President